We love partnering with parents to help teens grow in their walk with God and develop a lasting relationship with Him. As the MCC youth ministry aspires to give hope and to prepare youth and young adults to follow Jesus Christ.
Ministry can be a one-man show, but what does God want? Therefore, consider whether you will be one who steps up to work in the field.
"The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask Him to send more workers into His fields."
Luke 10:2 NLT

Michael and Areli Pilcher
Youth Pastors
"I always stand on the statement, Many hands make light labor. Specifically, when I find my heart wrongfully speaking the opposite, 'people got it on their own.' However, I reconsider when seeing the JOY in the people receiving my help that lightens their load not only speaks to a valuable character, but I think God gives a thumbs up. This basis of idea is the same for all who dedicate their time to not only impact the youth but also assist Areli and I to carry the load and make this the best youth group to impact the Love of God. To that, I thank God and know God is please with your help in harvesting these crops that will impact generations to come."
Blessings ~ Pastor Michael Pilcher